Is This The Kanye You Know And Love?

A little over a week ago, Kanye West was featured on Kris Jenner's talk show (season finale) in which he discussed a variety of things and at the end, showed the world a picture of his daughter, North. She is a beautiful little girl (by the way), but my post isn't really about her. It is about Kanye, and the awkward interview that happened. Awkward is definitely the word. I mean, I really don't know what to say. I THINK that was Kanye up there being interviewed. It was hard for me to even finish watching the interview. I was like, was this "Mr. You Can't Tell Me Nothing?". I hear people saying crazy stuff like, "He sounds white". Which I really hate. It seem like when any African American talk proper and educated, they have to sound white. BUT even getting past that, he just seem unlike himself. We all know that Kanye is shy, but the person that was up there on the stage talking to Kris Jenner seemed so different than the music he created. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe this is really who he am. But it made me look at him different though. Check out the interview below and let me know what you think.

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