Like really? ....How do you measure success and failure? People put so much pressure on themselves and they forget that they already succeeded! Everyday, that they are given the opportunity to live life is a success. Everyday that they are given the opportunity to do something good, is a success. Realizing this dosen't make them weak. Actually it is the complete opposite. It makes them stronger! Because they can now wake up and go to sleep knowing that regardless of what happens or happened, it was planned by God! And he never fails. So in other words... You will win, regardless. You don't have to be super religious to understand that. My failure will never come from not achieving CEO status, or a large bank account. My failure will never come from a title that society tells me that I should strive for. My failure will never come from materialistic things I don't have. But what I will tell you is that my success will come from all the love that was given to me.
I wrote this because I hope and pray that people will take time to think about success and failure and what role you want it to play in your life. Before I use to be the one that believed it was all or nothing. I use to feel like, if I don't become a millionaire I will be a complete failure. If my business isn't successful, I will be a complete failure. It was so much pressure that it was starting to consume me. I was becoming a slave to the job of trying to achieve what seemed unobtainable. Now things are different for me because I now know where true success comes from. Take time and think about that.